Mr. Lufkin and I have decided to take the 10 Days of Real Food
challenge (see
www.100daysofrealfood.com). In a nutshell, the goal is
to eat only real food: not processed, avoiding additives, eating foods
we can pronounce...etc. It's simple but hard. Who'd have thought
buying real, actual, whole food would be so challenging?? Our farm
fresh delivery comes Thursday, but I went ahead and headed out
yesterday for some produce to have before then, as well as real food
variations of our normal groceries.
It was not easy. Or cheap.
My visit was to Pogue's Run Grocer, a co-op on 10th St. It's tiny, but
packed with tons of cool stuff. My favorite was the wall of dried
goods, ready for self-serve bagging & weighing. Mmmmm.

Some parts of shopping were easy: we already get a lot of salad stuff,
fruit, and beans. Other staples were harder. Like unprocessed peanut
butter (pricey!!!), hummus (making your own is easy, but again, tahini
is pricey!!), bread (almost 4 times what we normally pay), and pasta
(we eat a lot of packaged flavored pasta that we add veggies & fake
meat to. No more).

Meat will probably be the hardest for us. Actual meat in my case,
since I'm not a vegetarian. I buy deli meat and make sandwiches for
the workweek. Meat is allowed on the 'plan,' but it should be local,
organic, fresh & unprocessed. Which is great, but hard!
In Scott's case, fake meat is very processed so we're trying to avoid
that all together.
It's kind of a wake up call that eating real food is considered a
'plan' or a special way of eating instead of how we eat all the time.
How sad. In fact, the 100 Days of Real Food website has a guide and a
lot of helpful articles about how to eat real food- which I
desperately needed, because I (a d lots of other people) don't know
how!! Hopefully we'll make permanent changes after this, and figure
out a way to do it without getting a second mortgage.
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