Ok, is the title of this post inaccurate when, technically, yesterday I didn't do any spring cleaning? Do my intentions count-since I fully intended to use these two days off work to spring clean?
Today's spring cleaning has been spent drinking coffee and reading Cynthia Kaplan's Why I'm Like This. What a great book. I wish I could write a book like this. I wouldn't even care if it got published, it would just be great to memorialize my life in such a funny, quirky, brutally honest sort of way, and know that I accomplished that. It's very similar to Encyclopedia of an Ordinary Life-also a great book, but I like the longer, essay format a little better than the shorter encyclopedia type entries. I never used to like non-fiction, but I've noticed that as I get older I like them more and more. I think it's because everyone has some (maybe not yet manifested) desire to put their story down in print. I don't know.
Any thoughts on these enlightening topics are welcome. Also, does anyone know how to create some sort of book list type thing on blogger? I think it would be great to post books and have people post book recommendations for me too. Although, I went a little crazy yesterday and put about 50 books on hold at the library. Hey, at least my vice is free.
Yesterday before our power walk, you cleaned out the plastic-wear cabinet. I think that counts.